3M UltraFit Reusable Earplugs With/Without Casing UF-01-000 / UF-01-100
3M UF-01-000 / UF-01-100
EARPLUG MODEL: 3M UF-01-000 E-A-R UltraFit Reusable Earplugs
- Single Number Rating (SNR) 29 dB
- Individual packaging: 50 pair/ box
- DOSH SIRIM approved JKKP/2022/12-01/00071
- Removable cord: optional corded or uncorded
- Triple flange earplugs fit comfortably in a wide range of ear canal sizes
- No need to roll earplugs before fitting
- Removable stem: Easier insertion and removal
- The stem tips stay clean even if hands are dirty
- Soft and durable material is washable and reusable, reducing both waste and costs
- Can be washed with mild detergent
- Paper bag keeps each pair of earplugs available or accessible for re-use
- Plug material: Thermoplastic Elastomer
- One size fits most ear canals
- Made in Poland
3M UF-01-100 E-A-R UltraFit Reusable Earplugs with Carrying Case
- Single Number Rating (SNR) 29 dB
- Individual packaging: 1 pair/box
- DOSH SIRIM approved JKKP/2022/12-01/00071
- Removable cord: optional corded or uncorded
- Triple flange earplugs fit comfortably in a wide range of ear canal sizes
- No need to roll earplugs before fitting
- Removable stem: Easier insertion and removal
- The stem tips stay clean even if hands are dirty
- Soft and durable material is washable and reusable, reducing both waste and costs
- Can be washed with mild detergent
- Paper bag keeps each pair of earplugs available or accessible for re-use
- Plug material: Thermoplastic Elastomer
- One size fits most ear canals
- Made in Poland
View more about 3M UltraFit Reusable Earplugs With/Without Casing UF-01-000 / UF-01-100 on main site